Demystifying the Appraisal--3CE
Wednesday, May 28, 2025 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (PDT)
Instructor: Amy Remington
Appraisal reports can be one of the most confusing things to read... until you have someone walk you through it.
Once you take this class, you will be able to swiftly and easily read and understand any residential appraisal!
Learn from a mortgage insider everything you need to know about appraisal reports and valuation data.
Get all your questions answered about how the appraisal is written, what to look for, and how to effectively navigate a low appraisal.
Bonus section: ***New Appraisal Changes Effective April 1st 2022***
Get the inside scoop on the New ANSI measuring changes and how it will affect your business! A must attend event.
Join us for a very informative, lighthearted, and surprisingly entertaining deep dive into appraisal land.
2550 S Yakima Ave Suite C
Tacoma, WA 98405 United States